

My date with Jack.

Tonight, Jack asked me to go on a date with him- it was the cutest thing. He told me that he had someone to watch the dog (a plastic pull toy), and that we needed to get out before the dog noticed.

It was great, we walked around the house holding hands. He asked me how my day was, and when I asked him how his day was he said, "It was good and bad. Bad because my kids were crazy, and made bad choices, but good because my kids had good dreams." We had a good time. We went to the store and "bought stuff", went to dinner, went on an airplane, and came home in time to put the kids to bed.

When I thanked him for our date, he told me that we should do it again- every Wednesday and Friday.


I love my Jack. I am glad he is in our family.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Absolutely precious. I love that he arranged a sitter and then said you should do it again. He must be paying attention and you and your hubby must be a good example. So sweet!

  3. Jack is adorable! You are one very lucky mom.

  4. Oh my gosh!! I LOVE that! How fun! That is one of the cutest things EVER!

  5. What a cutie and how lucky you are to be his mom!!!
