


If you know me, you know that I have been trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I have gone from writer to librarian to crafter extraordinaire. All of these ideas I have talked myself out of each saying that I couldn't do it for this reason or that. My latest desire is to be involved in the world of fashion and get a bachelors degree in Fashion Marketing (yes, I am still working on school). The problem is it is hard to get a job, everything is über competitive and everyone is young or has experience. Even though I love clothes, I don't consider myself "trendy", so have been talking myself out of that too. On to the next dream I suppose, or maybe I give up too easily.

I had just about given up on being able to find my dream when I read a blog post from one of my friends.

Sara, who lives in Ethiopia with her adorable family, is living her dream. She sells baked goods (that look extraordinary) at a local market. In this blog post, she explains how much it has meant to her. I am completely happy for her, and wish her the best success and happiness in her venture. (I would also check out some of her other posts, she has some amazing recipes and craft ideas.)

I would love to hear about anyone else who is living their dreams. It will be encouraging to continue to figure out my own dreams, or perhaps find the confidence to run with my current dream.





  1. What is this "growing up" thing and why do I fear I am way behind? Which means you are way ahead!

    Honestly, I don't know. I like to write...but...

  2. I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up. I have this baby calendar for Adele, and on one of the pages there is a space for my and my husband's favorite hobbies and I can't think of a single thing. Sad.

    You asked if anyone was living their dreams and I would have to say that my husband is. He has wanted to be a federal agent since he was little. It took interviewing for practically every possible agency, but he finally did it, and he's exactly where he wants to be. He tells me every day.

  3. So much of our focus during the early years of having kids is on SURVIVAL and that usually puts dreams on the back burner. My hubbie is a planner and a day dreaming big idea kind of person. He is always asking me where I see myself in 10 years or what I dream about. The truth is that I don't think too far into the future, maybe I should start! Good luck in your quest to find and live your dream!

  4. When you were a kid, did you ever listen to the "I'm a VIP" tape? There's a song on there that Says, "When I grow up I want to be a mother and have a family... 4 little, 5 little, 6 little babies of my own." That's what I've always wanted (and to be an astronaut) and I AM LIVING MY DREAM. I do wish I was better at it...

  5. Hi Emily - my dream is a work in progress. Starting a school for families in the Highlands of Guatemala. Here's a link to my latest blog posts which you may have seen already :-) xoxo Bethany
