

What I love.

I love helping at Jack's school.
Today the school had UN day, and I was able to help out. I brought a treat, Coco Krispie rice crispy treats, and helped at the USA/Canada table.
It was a fun day! My favorite part of the day was when Jack saw me, he ran to me, and hung out until he had to go back to class. What a cute boy.
There are two things I love about helping out. First, Jack loves when I come to school, and it makes me smile that he likes me there. Second, I am getting to know the teachers, and parents at the school.
I was even recruited for the PTA, so I will have more opportunities to help out more.

My treats are the ones on the white platter. I even made little flags to go on them. It is a shame they were the least popular of the treats. Only a little awkward.

But mostly I love this guy right here.


  1. Oh my gosh, Emily, I miss you and your wit. I am sure your treats were very good but little ones often do not understand our taste. Right?
    Oh, and Jack looks so much like you on that picture! Love it!

  2. What!? They weren't all over your Coco Cripy Rice Crispies! Crazy kids! LOL Those are the best! Emily, you are awesome and you are super creative. You will be great on the PTA.
    Jack is adorable! He definately looks like you and your Dad.

  3. Emily,

    I had nearly the same thing happen with my (non-cocoa, how yummy!) Rice Krispie Treats in the Middle East.

    People were quite sure what to do with them and finally someone decided to politely try eating them with a knife and fork.

    Missing you in TJ! -Mindy
