

Marine Ball.

The Marine Corps Ball.  One of my favorite nights of the year.  And this year, it almost didn't happen.
I woke up Saturday morning feeling horrible.  I had aches and pains and gastrointestinal issues, and I was just miserable.  I decided I wouldn't be able to go.  I was too miserable. 
An hour before the taxi was coming to pick up Ben, I decided to go. 
I have to admit there were only two reasons I went:

1. I love my dress.  I LOVE my dress.
2. There was a flash mob dance at the ball, and I was in charge of the cowbell, so I HAD to go. 
Because what is a flashmob dance without a cowbell, right? 
So, here are a few pictures from our night.

Scenes from the dance. We even had the Marines join in for a bit of it. 
Seriously so fun! I am so grateful for my crazy friends!

And the best part.  I felt mostly okay for most of the ball, but the moment I got home the entire 10 bites of dinner that I ate came up with massive fury.  Then I slept ALL day on Sunday. Today, I am feeling a little better, and hopefully I will be all better soon.  


  1. You look stunning and those ball's sounds like great fun! Glad you survived the moment and hope you get better.

  2. I love your dress! My wedding dress looked a lot like your ball gown.

  3. I love your dress! You looked beautiful! I am glad that you were able to go!
