
Easter Bunny

We went to the mall today to have pictures with the Easter Bunny! We had a really great time. If anyone has ever been to Tysons Mall, they know that it can be a little crazy. We went to Macy's to buy some clothes for the growing boy. We were all finished and we were waiting in line, and like usual I chose the worse line to be in. The people in front of us were opening a Macy's card and of course things were going wrong. So I looked over and saw that the other side was open, and then this lady ran in front of me. Okay, so at this point I am carrying Jack and pushing the stroller because he has had enough. So she jumps in front of me in line. She is all finished and has paid- then her husband yells from across the store and he has found the perfect little dress for a little girl. So they void everything that they bought-but they used a Visa gift card and the money won't be put back for 48 hours. They start complaining...meantime the other side has opened up and they are helping out other people. So I am about to cry. Jack and I stood in line for a good 15-20 with only one person standing in front of us. I really don't like lines. To make up for it, I took myself to Neisha Thai which is my very very favorite. (If anyone ever has the opportunity to go to Neisha Thai---VERY RECOMMENDED)
Back to the pictures. The photographer was trying to get Jack to smile, and he just looked at him like why are you shaking that toy in front of me? I am not amused. It was funny for me to watch. It took a minute, but we did get a cute smile.


Anja said...

Cute pictures! I'm excited for Easter, I think Chase will actually know what is going on this year!

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness he is sooo cute!!