The last few days, when I have changed* Jack's diaper, he has cried and pleaded that I don't put the poopy diaper back. As if I had done it before, and he doesn't want me to repeat this horror.
I realize that I am not the worlds best mother, (I am lazy, selfish, and lack patience) but I have NEVER put a used diaper on anyone, let alone my own children. I mean, really? A used diaper? Where does he come up with these things?
*No, Jack is not potty trained. Is there a potty training boot camp I can send him to, and when he comes back he will be fully potty trained, and I won't have to clean up one mess? I know this might sound strange, but I don't have any desire for potty training, and I am pretty sure that it is reflecting in Jack's lack of desire. Any ideas?
Where DO kids come up with things?! I have to admit, though, I'm laughing.
Hilarious! We got one of those portable potties for whatever room we were in so we didn't have to race too far to the toilet. Put him in underwear and get some good carpet cleaner. A few messes he has to assist you cleaning up might help motivate him. Every kid is different. Don't push him, that never seemed to help us!
Gotta love it! I have found the older the child is the easier potty training is. Also, they have to want it. Taylor was almost 3 1/2 before he wanted to be trained. At about 3 years I took him to the store to buy his own big boy underwear. Every once in a while I would ask him, do you want to wear that yet and learn to go potty? When he was finally ready, it took me 4 hours with no messes. Done - the easiest kid yet!
Oh, you have my sympathy. Potty training is hard. Our daughter was about 3 when she finally got it. My mom had told me that I was potty-trained by 1, so I was greatly disappointed that my daughter took two more years. Now that I am thinking about it, I realize that I probably wasn't potty-trained by 1,my mother probably just trained herself to read my signs and put me on the potty because they didn't have disposable diapers in Bulgaria back then and she wasn't going to wash any more diapers by hand (they had no washer either).
Best of luck to you but it does require a great deal of determination and patience on the part of the parent. Having a kid that's ready and willing helps too. There are a lot of potty training books out there. If there's one with a favorite character of your son's, that may motivate him.
I think we probably read "The Potty Book for Boys" to J and B about a 100 times each. They just loved hearing about how Henry loved to go potty. For each of them, I took one day in which all we did was potty train all day. I gave them juice and snacks and we played just outside the bathroom. I tried to make it fun, but in the end, I just had to be more stubborn than them. After the first day, they understood what needed to be done, and I just had to remind them constantly so that they wouldn't forget. I even tried setting a timer, to remind us both that they needed to go try. They just didn't want to stop playing to go sit on the potty, but eventually they realized it was better than sitting in a poopy diaper. Some days were better than others, but after about 3 weeks, there really weren't any accidents. Nighttime is a totally different problem. B still sleeps in pull-ups, and I wash peed sheets at least once a week. Hope this helps. :-)
So funny that Jack is!
Go back to my August posts and read Adventures in Potty Training. It was really rough the first 3 days...Van wanted nothing to do with going on the potty. But we stuck it out together and he's 100% there. No bed wetting, accidents, nothing. Also, we have noticed that we have more money in our pockets cause having just 1 kid in diapers really makes a difference! If I can do this with my kid and believe me, I'm really lazy and unmotivated, then I know you can!
One small tip: If you haven't already purchased a little training potty, then take Jack with you to pick one out. Make a really big deal over it. OR you could pick it out by yourself, wrap it up like a present and be all excited for him when he opens it up.
This is a way to get things off to a good start.
Sure ya haven't reused the diaper - I do all the time!! just kidding! Potty training is definitley a daunting task! With Dallin (as I haven't started with the other two monsters yet) we went with no pants, diapers or undies for about 3 days in our house. We watched movies while he sat on his potty chair and I pumped him full of fluids so he'd have to go and then have instant success. If we went in another room, along came the potty. Then if he started going, we hurry and sat him on the potty. As far as pooping goes, he loved gumballs, so we got a big gumball machine & every time he pooped in the potty he got a quarter to get a gumball. it's all about finding that one motivating thing!! Good luck!! As far as your weather, I'm really jealous! Thanks for posting about your blog book because I've been wondering about a good site to publish from. I will definitley check them out.
:D Too silly! Of course, talking about dirty diapers is a good indication that he doesn't like them. Use that. Tell him that if he can just put the poo (and pee) in the potty, then he won't ever have to wear an icky, stinky diaper ever again! How fun! I did that with my kids. I also had a training potty in the bathroom from very early (about 1yr) so they could sit on it, play with it, whatever. I bought them several packs of colorful big kid underwear, put them (open) in a low drawer, and told them they could wear them whenever they wanted to use their potty and not wear diapers.
I didn't 'train' them at all. We talked, I gave the tools, and let them make up their own minds. My son chose ONE day (at 2 and a half) to decide he was done with diapers. My daughter chose a day too, about the same age, but wanted diapers at night for about a week.. then she refused them completely. Neither had accidents, day or night, or 'forgot' to go to the bathroom when they were distracted.
Of course, all kids are different, but in general, I am a huge fan of "stand back - the kid will do it him/herself when ready" in most of my parenting techniques. Why stress??
I hate potty training. And I feel like I am the worst teacher. So all I can offer you is empathy.
It is rough. Rough to clean up, rough to be patient, rough to deal with stubbornness and rough to deal with people who make you feel like your child is the last one on earth to not be potty trained!
I just have one more child to potty train. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....
That is awesome, and sad for you. Kids come up with the strangest things. Elijah has been telling me lately "don't yell scary at me." Now, don't get me wrong I have yelled at him before but not enough for him to act all afraid of me.
As far as potty training goes, we just now got Elijah fully trained. We had to bribe him with things (disney Cars toys), and then just not have a diaper on him ever. If he didn't have a diaper on then he had to use the potty!
I too am looking for the miracle potty trainer! We are not doing well with Ayden.
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