What's 40 by 40? I'm glad you asked. It is a list of 40 things I want to accomplish before my 40th birthday. Right now I am 36. I turn 40 September 29, 2021, so I have some time, and I need some help. If you can help out in anyway- let me know. Some of you are even on this list.
Without further ado- here is my 40 by 40 list.
1. Skydiving
2. Visit 2 new countries
3. 40 names to the Temple.
4. 40 books- 10 have to be non-fiction
5. Go on a trip with my parents
6. 40 hours of service
7. Visit D.W.
8. Go on a trip with S, K, T
9. Go on a trip with A.H.
10. Go to a museum by myself
11. Go to the beach
12. Run a 1/2 marathon
13. Go on a trip with Ben
14. Visit the Northeast
15. Save money to accomplish my list
16. Ride a train
17. Do a segway tour
18. Learn to make a cake from scratch
19. Read the Book of Mormon
20. Read the Old Testament
21. Read the New Testament
22. Read the Doctrine and Covanents
23. Read the Pearl of Great Price
24. Visit the White House
25. $40 to 40 strangers
26. Make dinner for someone
27. Write 40 letters
28. Write a journal about my 40 by 40 list
29. Hang out with N.H.
30. Travel for work
31. Go skiing
32. Run on the National Mall
33. Run in Central Park
34. Run in another country
35. Go 40 days without spending money
36. Go on a date with Thomas during school
37. Go on a date with Jackson during school
38. Ride in a helicopter
39. Eat a new type of food
40. Do something brave ( I know this one is vague- I'm still working out the details)
So this is my list. It is going to be a challenge to do some of these things. Some of them turned out to be easier than I thought. But you need that on a list like this. Also, I took off run a marathon- I realized it is not something I really want to do, so I took it off.
Love this! Especially number 29!
This is awesome. Too bad I am over 40. Maybe I should do a 50 by 50. I a inspired.
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