

How has it already been 10 years?

At our staff meeting today, we did this little activity. I have to be honest, I had to look up some of these to make sure I had the years right. Can you believe all that has happened in the last 10 years? I certainly can’t. And this is just the beginning. The last 10 years have been amazing. I am grateful for all I learned and did in the last 10 years. I’m pretty sure that if you are reading this, you were a significant part of the last 10 years. 
Here is to the next 10. Also, can you believe that I turn 40 in about 18 months? I can’t. I don’t feel 40 at all. I’m well on my way to completing my 40 by 40 list- see one of the previous blog posts for that list. 

Right now it is snowing. We had a 2-hour early release for the snow. There are rumors that tomorrow will be affected, but I don’t want to think of that right now. 

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