Happy Monday. Do you see these leggings? They are really cute; I have worn them before, and loved them. But today. Today was leg day. And I have never worn them on leg day. And these leggings are NOT squat proof. Really. I thought that it was just the white underneath the leggings showing through. And that might be the case, but it looked really close to skin color. So every time I went to do a squat, I was very aware of anyone behind me. I’m just saying. Today was all about the squats, deadlifts and you guys. I thought I was going to die. No one wants to see that. No one wants to be the one wearing the see-through leggings.
So that’s how my Monday started. It did get significantly better than that. Don’t worry.
Do you see this? I am so proud of this. I have worked on clearing off my desk, and creating a place that I actually want to spend time. I’m still working on what I am going to put on the walls, but if you saw my desk a few months ago, you’d be impressed. Also, see those drawers? I put it together by myself. Sometimes after Ben has been home awhile, and he takes care of a lot of the manual labor around the house, I forget that I can do it. I forget that I am quite capable of putting IKEA furniture together, or cleaning the kitchen. Or pretty much anything. Although, he did switch out an electrical outlet the other day, I think I would have had to YouTube it. But you know I could probably figure it out.
Happy Monday everyone. I hope that everyone is having a good day.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, Ben is safe. Still gone, but doing well. Let’s just pray that it stays that way. Seriously. Whether you pray or send out good vibes, or whatever let’s hope for the best in the world.
Oh and one more thing, can we talk fires in Australia? We need prayers there too!
Anyone else?We can start a prayer roll, and we can add you to our prayers. I’m certainly willing to offer a prayer for you.
I always love reading your posts!