I think a mustache looks good on me. What do you think?
I made some resolutions last year, and I don't remember what they were. Well, I remember one- I wanted to read the standard works (New Testament, Old Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price). I didn't make it. I finished everything except the New Testament, and some of the Old Testament. Not a total fail, but I could have done it. I gave up early.
I trained for a half marathon, and although I wasn't able to run the race I wanted, I ran the distance. It was a challenge, but I am glad I did it. I hope to keep it up, and perhaps run a race later this year. Perhaps this spring? Or Utah this summer?
Last year was full of discovery for me. Good, bad, and everything in between.
Some of the things that I learned about myself this year:
- I am not as perfect as I think I am.
- I need to be a better wife/mother/friend.
- I think a lot about myself.
- A lot of my outfits I wore were not a awesome as I thought they were. (Huge bummer.)
- I am pretty good at math; I got an A in my math class after not taking any math for several years. I have one more math class this semester and I will get my associates degree. HOORAY!!! Then on to a Bachelor's Degree. Now I have to decide what to get it in...do I go for something I love or go for practical?
- I am a talented person; there are some things that I am really good at. Maybe I can't sew, sing, or draw, but I have some amazing talents. (This discovery was/is huge for me.)
- I think I have a shopping problem.
2012 was a roller coaster for sure. For the most part, I think it was a great year. It is always difficult to realize imperfections. I am trying to figure out the difference between discovering weaknesses and trying to improve weaknesses and being too hard on myself.
What am I going to do about these discoveries? Well, I hope to improve myself this year. I'm starting with the shopping problem. Ready for this? For the next six months I cannot buy myself any clothes. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It is going to be a challenge, but I think I can do it. I know this might sound ridiculous to some of you, but it is something I know I need to work on.
I am going to take my last math class, and figure out what I want to do for my bachelor's degree.
I am going to work on developing my talents and not be so hard on myself that I can't do everything.
The other things require a lot more reflection and self discovery. I know that I will never be perfect, but I know that I can improve.
There you have it. Looking back at 2012 to figure out where I am going in 2013.
Let's hope we can end 2013 a little better and a little happier.
If you have any goals/resolutions for 2013, good luck!
Definitely do something you love! Also, If you happen to be in Utah over the 24th of July I will run a race with you (or rather at the same time as you...I haven't started yet and I'm bound to be slow). I could definitely use some motivation to get started.
Ok, first of all to get this out of the way - You look amazing with the moustache! Second, you are an awesome and talented and you don't even know half of it because even if you think a lot about yourself you still don't think enough to see how truly awesome you are. :) Third, all of your outfits that you wore last year were great! and fourth (and perhaps the most important) - you do not have a shopping problem... it is me who has it :))) or maybe it's just living overseas has this cruel impact on us. Miss you, my awesomely talented friend who doesn't have a shopping problem! :)))
I agree that you are awesome and talented! I am impressed and inspired with your inner self reflection. I often don't do it because I'm afraid of what I'll find. I really need to do some reflections and make some new years goals. As far as your shopping goal...good luck! If you find it too hard, maybe give yourself a budget of $30 month and search and search for the best deals and decide how you want to spend your money for the month. just an idea. I'm hoping to do scripture study with my family at least 3 times a week this year....there, now I have a goal!!
Six months?!! NOOOO! Maybe no new clothes for a month? Sigh. Its your goal so I shouldn't tell you what to do. I have just been doing a lot of clearance shopping and having such a good time. January in Utah is so dreary shopping is what makes January fun. I love your honesty in your posts. A thought about not being hard on yourself. My hubbie always quotes his mission president who was quoting a prophet (I assume) and says this: "yesterday's patterns need not hold tomorrow hostage". Remember that everyday is a new day and move forward. I am trying to do this myself. I look backwards WAY more than I look forward.
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