
Hello Greensboro.

We made it. As we speak I am sitting in our hotel room and it is raining. We can't go anywhere because poor Jack is sick. Throwing up several times yesterday, he is currently hiding away in a very comfortable bed watching movies. 

The good and bad so far:

1. Jack is totally sick, and hopefully NOT contagious. 
2.  The first house we went to was less than epic, and made me a bit discouraged. 
3. Ben is going out of town next week. 

1. Greensboro is beautiful and green, and the weather has been nice and cool. 
2. The second house we looked at was more encouraging. 
3. The people here are super nice. Yesterday when Jack threw up, a lady gave us all sorts of supplies to help us out. And there were others that offered help. 
4. We got a car! Driving is pretty sweet. 

Greensboro. I think I like you. 

We just need to find a place to live. 

1 comment:

Little Crazies said...

So glad to hear you made it to your new home for the next couple years! Good luck with finding the perfect house! and i hope Jack feels better soon soon! Miss you!